More People, More Active, More Often
More People, More Active, More Often

Inspiring Girls

Inspiring Girls 

Inspiring Girls is a HER Moves programme following all of the 8 guiding principles for success. The programme is ideally suited for teenage girls in secondary schools but can be incorporated into clubs/youth groups etc.

Inspiring Girls is all about empowering girls to become LEADERS and inspire other girls to take part in more sport – FOR THE GIRLS BY THE GIRLS

The programme consists of 4 Pillars:

Leadership – Leadership Skills/Inclusion & Diversity

Participation – Multi Sport Programme (Her Voice… Her Choice)

Sustainability – NGB coaching programme – embedding a new sport within the school

Celebration – all girls coming together for Inspiring Girls Celebration Event

Leadership – Senior girls are provided with a 3-day Leadership in Sport programme that includes leadership skills and Disability & Inclusion delivered through a multi-sport approach. This is a practical training workshop where the girls will gain the necessary leadership skills as well as learning a variety of new sporting activities.

Participation – Junior Girls are provided with a choice of activities where they can choose 4 for a Multi-Sport programme that will be delivered over an 8-week period. Each activity will be delivered for two weeks and senior girls who have completed their Leadership in Sport module will have the opportunity to assist external tutors delivering the activities. 

Sustainability – Senior Girls will receive a Coach Education Workshop in a specific sport eg: Basketball , Olympic Handball, Volleyball. They will receive training resources and equipment to roll out a 6-week sport specific programme for junior students. 

Celebration – At the end of the programme, all participants will come together to celebrate their success. The Celebration Event will include blitz games, new sporting opportunities, music, dance, jewellery making, arts & crafts and more. 

2023/2024 Programme……

The Inspiring Girls programme took place in 4 schools in 2023/2024, Beaufort College (Navan), Boyne CS (Trim), Colaiste Clavin (Longwood) and Mercy )Navan).  The 8 month programme started in October and finished up in May with 180 girls taking part in the Inspiring Girls Celebration Event in Gormanston Park on Tuesday 30th April. During the 4-hour Celebreation Event the girls had the opportunity to try out Rowing, Virtual Canoeing, Hula Hooping, Olympic Handball, Multi-Sports, Team Building, Jewellery Making and Arts & Crafts. We wish to thank all our Celebration Event programme partners: Olympic Handball, Rowing Ireland, Tipperary Sports Partnership, TUC Clonmel, Hoopixie and Titan Sports. 

If your school would like to take part in the 2024/2025 Inspiring Girls Programme please contact Lisa at

More about 2023/2024 Inspiring Girls programme………..

Inspiring Girls is a HER Moves programme. It focuses around empowering teenage girls to become more active and engage other teenage girls in activity by reframing what sports looks like.  The programme incorporates Leadership Training, Disability & Inclusion Training, Mentorship and Sport Specific coaching for senior girls and provides an 8-week Multi-Sport programme for junior girls. Its all about their Choice & their Voice. Every part of the Inspiring Girls programme follows the 8 HER Moves principles. HER Moves is a community for all teenage girls to “Find SomethingthatMovesYou!” #Hermoves

The programme is designed to train older teenage girls to lead and empower younger girls to become more active. The 8-month programme included:

  • Leadership Training
  • Sport Specific Training by national governing body
  • Mentoring Training
  • Inclusion & Disability Training
  • 8-week Multi-Sport programme
  • Celebration Event

Meath LSP are proud to introduce a new Inspiring Girls programme which is designed and guided by the principles of the ‘HER Moves’

The 2023/2024 Inspiring Girls took place in four secondary schools in Meath, Colaiste Clavin (Longwood), Beaufort College (Navan), Boyne CS (Trim) and St. Josephs Mercy (Navan).  The programme has a four-tier approach which includes Leadership, Participation, Sustainability & Celebration.

The story so far …..Since the programme began in October 2023, the Inspiring Girls have completed modules in Leadership, Multi-Sport participation, Olympic Handball Coaching and are now leading out an olympic handball programme for junior girls. Senior Girls inspiring and leading Junior Girls. To celebrate the achievements of all girls involved, we are bringing all participating schools together for a Celebration Event on Tuesday 30th April in Gormanston Sports Park. This will include a fun Olympic Handball Blitz as well as opportunities to try out new and fun activities including: Hula Hooping, Rowing, Canoeing (similiator), Dance, Hockey, Tag Rugby, Badminton, Volleyball, Table Tennis and Jewellery Making/Arts & Crafts. Girls will receive t-shirts and goodie bags and will be treated to lunch.  We would like to thank our programme partners Olympic Handball Ireland as well as our Celebration Event contributors who are: Rowing  Ireland, Canoeing Ireland, Tipperary Sports Partnership, Titan Sports and Sport Ireland.

More programme information ⇒ Inspiring Girls is an academic year long programme funded by HER Moves -Sport Ireland and developed by Meath LSP. It is centered around senior female students inspiring  and encouraging younger female students to become more active in sport and physical activity.

Senior Student will receive training in the following modules and become Activators:

  • Leadership in Sport training
  • Sport Specific Training from a recognised national governing body
  • Mentoring training
  • Inclusion & Disability Training 

Junior Girls will have the opportunity to choose a range of sport and activities and takie part in an 8 week Multi-Sport Programme. Activities availalbe include: Basketball, Kickboxing, Olympic Handball, Volleyball, Circuit Training, Generic Games, Dance, Pilates, Yoga, Rounders, Badminton, Football (LGFA), and Soccer. This 8-week multi-sport timetable will take place one day per week during lunchtime or afterschool for approximately 45 minutes. Senior Activators who completed their Leadership training will assist in providing an 8-week timetable of activities for junior female students throughout the academic year.

Activators will then receive Mentoring & Sport Specific Training (Basketball or Olympic Handball) and will lead a 6-week social sport programme within their school for junior students.

A Celebration Event will conclude the programme with all participating schools coming together to for a inter-school Blitz. #HERMOVES

For more information contact Lisa at or (046) 9067337.