More People, More Active, More Often
More People, More Active, More Often


Background to Meath Local Sports Partnership (LSP)

Meath LSP (established by Sport Ireland in 2002) is one of 29 Local Sports Partnerships in Ireland structured and managed at County level to respond to local needs and to support local sport and physical activity. Meath LSP operates within the context of the National Sports Policy 2018 – 2027 and under the aegis of Sport Ireland.

Sport Ireland through its network of 29 Local Sports Partnership’s helps people to get active and remove barriers to sports and physical activity.

Who Are We?

Meath LSP is an inter-agency and multi-sector organisation established as a company limited by guarantee with representatives from local & national statutory agencies, sporting organisations and community and voluntary fora, constituting our Board of Directors.

We have a professional and experienced full-time staff of eight who lead, respond, co-ordinate and facilitate a wide variety of sport and physical activity opportunities in Meath with the support of and a network of tutors and coaches.

The LSP network plays a vital role and has been tasked, in particular, with increasing participation levels in sport and physical activity, especially among those sectors of society that are currently underrepresented in sport. Their capacity to remove barriers and ensure that opportunities for participation in sport are progressive, innovative and fully inclusive at a local level is a unique and valuable strength.”

National Sports Policy 2018-2027

What do we do?

Meath LSP undertake a wide range of actions with the aim of increasing sport and physical activity participation levels in local communities across Meath. Our three main functions are:

  • Working to develop clubs, coaches and volunteers and supporting partnerships between local sports clubs, community-based organisations and sector agencies.
  • Creating greater opportunities for access to training and education in relation to sport and physical activity provision.
  • Provision of targeted programmes, events and initiatives to increase physical activity and sport participation.
  • Providing information about sport and physical activity to create awareness and access.

Our Vision is– More People , are More Active, More Often in Meath

Our Mission is, by working together, we will increase participation in sports and physical activity throughout Meath by ensuring there is a broad range of opportunities for everyone to be more active in County Meath. We will achieve this by creating a culture where

  • everyone can enjoy physical activity and sport to their full potential
  • physical activity and sport is valued and supported at every level of society and becomes everyone’s responsibility.

We believe that sport and physical activity should be enjoyable, make us feel good, improve our health and wellbeing, increase our skills and introduce us to new people and places.

Meath LSP Strategy 2021-2026

Click to view or download our strategy
Our Board of Directors & Staff

We are a Company Limited by Guarantee with eight board members. Meath LSP and its team of highly experienced staff is supported in its work by a Board of Directors from a broad spectrum of representative groups including: sports clubs, voluntary/community groups and statutory bodies. 

The Board has overall responsibility for setting the strategic direction of Meath LSP and has a vested interest in achieving the aims and objectives of Meath LSP. The Board supports and governs Meath LSP, who along with its staff ensure that Meath LSP conforms to the guidelines, procedures and principles of the Governance Code provided by Sport Ireland.  

The Senior Executive Officer (SEO) has overall accountability, responsibility, and authority for management of the business and affairs of Meath LSP under the guidance of the Board of Directors whilst assuring compliance with regulatory and governance requirements.

Meath LSP currently employs a team of eight highly qualified, fulltime, professional and motivated staff who work closely with the Board, partner agencies part-time tutors and coaches to lead, develop and implement a broad range of programmes and activities in Co. Meath.

Mary Murphy

Mary Murphy

Chief Executive Officer

Lynn O’Reilly

Lynn O’Reilly

Senior Administrator

Ruairi Murphy

Ruairi Murphy

Programme Manager & Senior Sports Development Officer

Lisa O’Dowd

Lisa O’Dowd

Sports Development Officer
with specific focus on Women, Schools & Youth Development

Una Pearson

Una Pearson

Club & Community Sports Development Officer

Terry Donegan

Terry Donegan

Sports Inclusion Disability Officer


Paula Cunningham

Sports Development Officer
with specific focus on Older People & Youth

Ross Kenny

Ross Kenny

Outdoor Recreation Officer


Meath Sports Partnership Company Limited by Guarantee, commonly known as Meath LSP, was incorporated on the 24th January 2003. The constitution of Meath LSP deals primarily with the functioning of Meath LSP as a legal entity i.e. as a company. 

Meath LSP is governed by a Board of Directors which is representative of local agencies and community organisations with representation and membership as set out in the Meath LSP Constitution. The Board is collectively responsible for leading and directing Meath LSP, supervising the management of the organisation, and reporting on stewardship and performance.

1. The Governance Code for Sport

All LSPs, NGBs and other bodies in receipt of Government funding through Sport Ireland are required to adopt the Governance Code for Sport.

Meeting the requirement involves a firm commitment from the Boards of funded bodies to adopt the Code in spirit, in practice and to grow towards better governance practices which will make organisations more effective. On 24th November 2021, Meath Local Sports Partnership declared full compliance with the Governance Code for Sport.  This was formally declared by the Board of Meath Sports Partnership at the Board meeting which was held on 24/11/2021


2.The current Board consists of the following members:




Community Facilities – elected member of Meath County Council

Gerry O’Connor 


Sporting sector – CEO of Canoeing Ireland

Moira Aston 

Chairperson of Governance sub-committee

Elected members of Meath County Council

Cllr Padraig Fitzsimmons 

Elected members of Meath County Council

Sporting Sector – CEO Pitch & Putt Ireland

Dwyne Hill 

Member of Governance sub-committee

Meath Co Co Chief Executive appointment

Alison Lynch 

Member of FARC

Sporting Sector – Operations Manager Table Tennis Ireland

John McKenna 

Chairperson of FARC

HSE – Health and Wellbeing

Carmel Halpin 

Member of Governance Sub-Committee

Sporting Sector – vice chairperson of Meath GAA

Paddy Kelly 

Member of Governance Sub-Committee


 3. The duties of the Meath LSP Board include:

  • Setting the strategic direction and reviewing progress.
  • Keeping up to date on strategic issues and changes affecting the LSP.
  • Monitoring organisational performance.
  • Ensuring that legal, regulatory, and governance obligations are adhered to.
  • Monitoring and assessing its performance and that of its committees.
  • Oversight of the organisation’s financial governance and financial management, and internal control.


4. Two committees currently support the board in its work:

The Finance, Audit & Risk Committee (FARC), supports the Board and the Co-ordinator regarding policy initiation, monitoring of operational plans and Finance/Human Resource support. However, ultimate responsibility for this area rests with the Board, who must fully consider the advice and approve or amend the recommendations from the Committee.

The Governance committee assists the Board in implementing good governance including and without limitation the following (However, the ultimate responsibility for this area rests with the Board, who must fully consider the advice and approve or amend the recommendations from the Committee):

  • to draft and maintain such policies, codes and procedures as are necessary and appropriate for Meath Local Sports Partnership for approval by the Board.
  • to implement and maintain the Governance Code for Sport and to keep the Board updated as matters progress and present any papers to the Board for approval in compliance with the Code.
  • to take any necessary advice in respect of implementation of the Governance Code subject always to approval by the Board.
  • to oversee annual internal Governance audits for review by the Board.
  • such other related issues as may arise for Meath LSP from time to time.
  • to constantly review and keep all governance matters up to date

Responsibility for the day-to-day operations of the organisation rests with the CEO and staff. The CEO attends meetings of the Board, by invitation of the Board, and is not a Director of the Company. The Company Secretary is a member of the Board.

Meath LSP Governance Compliance Statement 24.11.2022

Board Assurance Statement 2022 

Compliance Record Form – Type C 2022 

Meath LSP FARC Terms of Reference

Meath LSP Comply or Explain form 2022