More People, More Active, More Often
More People, More Active, More Often

Walktober 2023

Meath Local Sports Partnership and Meath County Council are running Walktober to help encourage you to stick on your shoes and get walking. There will two challenges for the month of October; a 30km walking challenge & 80km walking challenge. This will include tips & tricks to help you achieve these targets while also giving you a monthly plan to follow.

Walktober is a great way to take up walking with our 30km walking calendar challenge. The 30km challenge is designed to slowly increase physical activity and walking levels throughout the course of the month of October. The calendar will guide you through the month giving you a plan to follow each week to reach your targets while keeping it fun and enjoyable. The 30km challenge is suitable for those who would like to take up walking but is not limited to beginners!

The 80km challenge is great for those who are intermediate/advanced walkers and want to challenge themselves during October. This 4 week challenge is designed to challenge those who already actively take part in walking. Weekly plans are included to help reach weekly targets. Daily tips and tricks will aid you in completing the 80km challenge.

  • Walktober is a challenge EVERYONE can participate in.
  • Helps improves overall health & wellbeing
  • Boosts your overall mood.

For more information contact Luke at

Walking Routes in Meath

Walking Routes Location Start Point  GPS Route Terrain Parking  Accessibility 
Blackwater Park Navan Car Park 53.662446307358046, -6.695223714184262 Looped route,
Flat, tarmac Yes Wheel chair and buggy accessible
Deer Park Carlanstown, Kells Deerpark 53.765204381355, -6.836384208240299 Looped route, 1.5km Gravel Yes
Kells Walkway Kells Kells Fairgreen 53.72911136515589, -6.881204772838254 Looped Route, 3.2km Public footpath/Walkway Yes opposite suprvalu
Canal Walk Enfield Enfield Part of Royal Canal way 4km looped route town parking
Porch Fields Trim Car Park beside Trim Castle 53.555351, -6.789603 4.4 km looped route Gravel town parking No
Hill of Tara Hill of Tara Gate going into hill of tara 53.58186014921773, -6.609976803994748 4km, looped grass route Grass / Can be slippy parking beside Maguires No
Bettystown Beach Bettystown Enter @Pat`s shop 53.700415582522055, -6.244526650341337 Linear / choose own distance Sand Parking beside pats shop No
Moynalty Threshing Field Moynalty 1.1km looped route parking at Museum
Nobber Walkway Nobber O Carolan College or Caseys Forge 53.81738693531895, -6.741865426909923 3.4km, looped route Tarmac / Gravel Village parking No
Boyne Ramparts Walk Navan/Stackallen Ramparts, Navan 53.65350325616534, -6.677327030512383 2.5km looped route (Navan); 8km linear walk to Stackallen; Compacted, Gravel paid parking Navan (Kenstown rd); limited parking @Stackallen bridge No
Balrath Woods Navan Follow the path from the main entrance into the woods until you see a sign for these pathways. 53.617895758083826, -6.507885830513747 2km distance / 3 looped walks Tarmac path & wooded area free parking No
Mullaghmeen Forest Oldcastle Mullaghmeen Forest Carpark 53.7488691, -7.2731651 8 km / Looped Path / Forrest track Yes No
Lough Crew Hill Walks Loughcrew, Oldcastle Loughcrew Cairns 53.7447250845552, -7.112144459344587 3-4km / Hillwalk Grass / Can be slippy Yes No
Girley Bog Eco Walk Drewstown, Kells Forrest Entrance 53.685673699972405, -6.947658378845316 6km eco walk / 1.5km looped walk Bog road / forrest Yes No
Boyne Green Way Oldbridge to Drogheda Dominic’s Park 53.715597089330366, -6.361586388181341 1.9km Linear Path Town parking Wheelchair and buggy accessible
Castletown KP Castletown 3.4km looped route, flat route Flat route/ gravel/path Free parking in village or opp schools (not during opening hours) no
Kentstown public park Kentstown, Navan Kenstown Car park 53.62965179611232, -6.532874999896035 .8km looped walk around all weather pitch Flat / path Free parking Wheelchair and buggy accessible
Jamestown bog Bohermeen 53.64149941050571, -6.8100145410153 5km looped gravel uneven in places Limited parking at entance No
Spire of llyod Kells Spire of Lloyd 3km, uneven/grass/farmland Parking at the spire No
Enfeild – Longwood Canal Walkway Enfiled – Longwood Located in the southern end of the Boyne Valley 53.46817746587926, -6.978521286497246 10km, Linear uneven/grass/farmland Parking at Canal Bridge Longwood No
Littlewoods Forest Slane Car Park 2km looped forest walk/uneven surfaces, Yes No
Summerhill woods Summerhill Car Park 53.46769009252387, -6.719673188190732 3/4km, Linear gravel track / forestland Parking at summerhill forest car park. No
Slane Ramparts Slane Slane Bridge 53.70333592997951, -6.541832791461523 2.5km linear, grave towpath public parking slane bridge
Bellewstown racecourse Bellewstown Bellewstown Racecourse approx 2km looped, paved surface Yes
Navan RFC Navan Pitch 1 aprrox 800m & 1000m Path & grass Yes Walkway 1 – Yes