More People, More Active, More Often
More People, More Active, More Often

Leadership in Sport Programme

Meath Local Sports Partnership have launched a new Leadership in Sport programme for young people. This programme offers comprehensive training modules to equip young people with the necessary leadership skills to lead others in sport and physical activity. This is an ideal start for young people who would like to volunteer as a coach in a club or community level or for those considering sport as a career.

The programme is delivered through a multi-sport approach with young people learning most skills through play and sport activity. The syllabus is designed to develop generic leadership skills that are transferrable and can be applied to a variety of leadership roles as well as contributing to the personal development of the learner. The 3-day programme is a practical approach where learners must demonstrate their ability to lead others in simple sport/activity.

Leadership in Sport is a 3-day (18 hrs) leadership programme that can be delivered to schools, clubs and youth groups. It is a practical award where learners must demonstrate their ability to lead others in simple sport/activity. Learning skills such as communication, teamwork, problem solving and the preparation and planning of activities will help them to develop, lead and evaluate their own activity.  It has a multi-sport practical approach where learners are introduced to a wide variety of generic and sport specific games to ensure a fun, practical learning experience. Learners are continually assessed  throughout the programme and will receive a Leadership in Sport Certificate on completion.

Modules included: 

Leadership: Leadership skills/behaviours, Problem Solving & Programme Preperation

Disability & Inclusion: Adapting programmes to include people with a disability

Sport Specific Training: Foundation Course on a specific sport eg: Olympic Handball/Basketball/Hockey/Badminton

Work Experience: Prepare and deliver 6 hours of sports within school/club to younger students/players

Suitable for: 15+ years who are interested in sport, sport leadership in school, college attainment in sport studies or gaining employment in the area of sport

Available to: Schools, Education Centres, Sports Clubs, Youth Clubs and Youth Projects

How to Apply

To book your School’s place, please complete and submit the Leadership in Sport  Expession of Interest form.

To discuss the various course delivery options/cost please contact Lisa O’Dowd at

Expression of Interest Form

Feedback from Pupils

The Sports Leader course gave me the confidence to stand up in front of a group and lead an activity. It also made me think more about the work that’s goes into developing and delivering games and activities.
