More People, More Active, More Often
More People, More Active, More Often

East Meath Amenity Hub

East Meath Amenity Hub – our aim is to get the local community of East meath more active, more often!


Open Water Swimming 

Brand new 5 day programmes for children, teens and adults in conjunction with Swim Ireland.

If you can Swim but want to develop your skills further please book this programme.

Please select only one programme, it is strictly 1 programme per participant as content is the same across all programmes and we want to ensure this is available to as many people as possible. Cost €20 per participant

There are three programme levels:
1: Are you new to Sea Swimming?
2: Building your confidence Sea Swimming
3: Confident Sea Swimmers

Participants are encouraged to wear a Wet Suit, Protective shoes and gloves, goggles and a swimming hat, but these are not mandatory.

Booking is ESSENTIAL as places are limited.


More programme information and descriptions available here

For more information contact Una on 0469067887 or email

Allocation of Dormant Account funding was secured through Meath LSP and Sport Ireland towards the development of an East Meath Amenity Hub in Bettystown, Laytown, Mornington, Donacarney & surrounding areas.